I'm just a girl, standing in a movie theater, silently judging everything.

latest REVIEW
how to build a girl
HOW TO BUILD A GIRL is a unique and refreshing coming of age movie. The film follows Johanna Morrigan, a teenage girl who, trying to make something of herself, gets a job as a music critic using the pen name Dolly Wilde. As Johanna becomes more and more like her tough alter ego Dolly, her life starts to slip out of control and she has to sort out who she really wants to be. Coky Giedroyc, the film’s director, creates a world that is sweet and fun while maintaining it’s relatability. Johanna Morrigan’s life is a bit crazy but it’s a wonderful place to be for an hour and a half.
Beanie Feldstein leads the film effortlessly. Her Johanna goes through the paces of finding a place in the world and it’s a really enjoyable journey to be on with her. She reinvents herself so she can thrive in her new rock world but there is still something very grounded about her that makes it endearing rather than obnoxious. She’s a girl who wants more and goes after it. It’s fantastic that throughout the whole film she has a solid sense of herself. Even when she crosses a line and has to pull herself back from the edge there’s still something about her that you like.
The script does have its problems. A lot of the set up in the beginning seems unnecessary and it takes a bit too long for Johanna to really start moving forward. The story also gets a bit off track at times but it does course correct which is great because the main plot line- Johanna’s journey of self discovery- is all you really want to see. If anything I would have liked more of Johanna’s relationship with the sweet rock and roller played by Alfie Allen. In the end though the lack of that romantic subplot didn’t bother me because, really, the great love story is within Johanna herself.